
LipoMill Sunflower Press Cake, Flour & Protein

The sunflower seeds are gently pressed and deoiled. Our remaining LipoMill Sunflower Press Cake is rich in minerals and protein. In a further product-preserving process, the press cake can be ground to produce our LipoMill Sunflower Flour.

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    Rich in protein and fibre
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    Contains linoleic acid (omega-6)

This product has the following features:

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    Rich in protein and fibre
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    Contains all nine essential amino acids
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    Contains valuable vitamins from the vitamin B complex
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    High in minerals, for example calcium and phosphorous
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    Good bonding ability with water and fat


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    A fibre- and energy-rich ingredient in baked goods, cereals, mueslis and granola bars
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    Its good water and fat binding properties make it a valuable ingredient in pasta and noodle products.
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    Used as a vegan meat alternative in sausage and patty products
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    Consistency enhancing and emulsifying properties, for example in smoothies
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    The biological value of t.he protein and mineral content make it very well suited as a dietary supplement


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    Can be used in peeling and facial masks in ground form

Animal nutrition & care

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    Protein- and energy-rich straight feed
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    Relevant to ruminants and rodents as well as to adult porcines and laying hens with low energy requirements
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    Interesting for livestock with a special need for dietary fiber, for example sows
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