Medizinal Dorschlebertran

Medicinal Cod Liver Oil

Medicinal Cod Liver Oil is a fatty oil. 100 percent of the oil is obtained from the fresh livers of cod (Gadus morhua Linne) in the codfish family (Gadidae), which is refined using molecular distillation. Cod are found in the northern Atlantic Ocean from Greenland to North Carolina and from Spitzbergen to Biskaya as well as in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and in the northern Pacific Ocean.

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    Contains omega-3 fatty acids
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    High content of vitamin A
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    High content of vitamin D3

This product has the following features:

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    High content of omega-3 fatty acids (at least 15 percent), vitamin A and D3
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    Livers can be traced back to the fishing boat for certain qualities.


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    Used to prevent vitamin D deficiency because of its high content of vitamin D3
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    Used to treat vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy and while nursing

Animal nutrition & care

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    Beneficial ingredient in high-quality animal nutrition
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    Because of its high content of vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty acids, it helps to ensure a good physique and strong bones.
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