

Keep up to date with us: From current projects in the raw material origins to product innovations and the latest market updates, we provide you with interesting insights into our world of oils.

Partnerschaft mit dem Deutschen Hockey-Bund

06 Jun 2024

Our new partnership with the German Hockey Federation

We are pleased to announce our partnership with the German Hockey Federation (DHB). It’s a perfect match, as both in hockey and in the global trade of food and oils, teamwork, courage, and continuous improvement are crucial for success. The […]

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14 May 2024

Henry Lamotte Oils at PLMA 2024

Meet us from 28 to 29 May at the international trade fair for the “World of Private Label”! Retailers, wholesalers and (brand) manufacturers come together in Amsterdam to gather inspiration for new Private Label products and to realise individual product […]

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Pharmazeutische Öle

29 Apr 2024

Henry Lamotte Oils at Vitafoods Europe 2024

Meet us from 14 to 16 May in Geneva at the global trade fair for food supplements! We are pleased to present our pharmaceutical oils, functional raw materials and vegetable proteins in the field of pharmaceutical and food supplements. Come […]

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Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt im Sheabutter Ursprung

05 Apr 2024

Our shea butter project in the press

EURO COSMETICS Magazine and COSSMA report on our sustainability project at the origin of shea butter: together with our supplier The Savannah Fruits Company, we have installed four innovative roasters in a cooperative in Ghana. In this way, we improve […]

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Henry Lamotte Oils wird zum 5. Mal mit dem DLG-Preis für langjährige Produktqualität ausgezeichnet.

25 Mar 2024

Fifth DLG award for long-term product quality

For the fifth time in a row, we were awarded the “Prize for Longstanding Product Quality” by the German Agricultural Society’s (DLG) Food Test Centre. We voluntarily have our product quality tested by the DLG every year. To receive the […]

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Sheabutter für den Einsatz in der Kosmetik

20 Mar 2024

Henry Lamotte Oils at in-cosmetics global 2024

We will be exhibiting at the world’s leading trade fair for personal care ingredients again this year. From 16 to 18 April, you will find us at in-cosmetics global in Paris at booth W111 in hall 1. We are pleased […]

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07 Mar 2024

Henry Lamotte Oils at PCHi 2024

This year we will be exhibiting at the fair from 20 to 22 March together with our exclusive partner and distributor Guangzhou Shengjiya Bio-Tech Co, Ltd. We look forward to meeting you in person in Shanghai and are happy to […]

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30 Jan 2024

Sheabutter handcrafted: Supporting local communities and achieving sustainability goals

Many women in Africa traditionally roast shea nuts over an open fire and process the nuts by hand. With this work, they secure a long-term income and a better standard of living. However, the traditional roasting process also carries risks: […]

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26 Jan 2024

Henry Lamotte Oils at Biofach 2024

We look forward to presenting our wide range of organic products to you again this year at the trade fair – this year together with our sister company Henry Lamotte Food. From oils, protein flours, texturates and foods for industry […]

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