
Carnauba Wax

Carnauba Wax is obtained from the leaves of the Brazilian carnauba palm (Copernica prunifera), which belongs to the palm tree family (Arecaceae). The wax protects the leaves of the palm tree from drying out. The carnauba palm is native to north-eastern Brazil.

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    High melting point
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    Adds consistency
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    Hardest plant wax

This product has the following features:

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    The hardest plant wax
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    Its melting point is between 80 and 88 degrees Celsius.
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    Consists of about 85 percent esters from long-chain fatty acids


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    Favoured as a release or glazing agent E 903 for certain foods (sweets, fruit)
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    Preservative coating on citrus fruits


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    Provides consistency and is used as a co-emulsifier in cosmetic formulations
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    Implemented in protective emulsions, in hair conditioners as well as in mascara, lipstick and make-up pencils
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    Has water-repellent, protective and some film-building properties


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    An ideal ingredient to provide consistency in pharmaceutical salves and creams
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    Utilised as a softening agent in plaster production
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    Used as polish agent in dragée production

Chemistry & technology

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    Used as an ingredient in shoe creams and polishes
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