
LipoMill Hemp Press Cake, Flour & Protein

Hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa) are carefully pressed and deoiled, creating our LipoMill Hemp Press Cake which is rich in minerals and protein. In an additional step, the press cake can be gently ground to make our LipoMill Hemp Flour.

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    Rich in fiber
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    Significant biological value

This product has the following features:

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    Rich in protein and fibre
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    Ideal amino acid profile, as the oil contains all essential amino acids
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    Significant biological value
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    Ideal fatty acid profile, contains essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
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    Contains minerals and trace elements, such as zinc, iron and magnesium
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    Contains vitamin E
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    High fibre ingredient for cereals, all types of baked goods as well as for granola and nutrition bars
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    Use as an additional source of protein for athletes, also suitable for smoothies and juices


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    Can be used in peeling and facial masks in ground form

Animal nutrition & care

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    Protein- and energy-rich feed additive
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    With the residual oil, the press cake is a valuable vegetable source of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
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    Preventative effect on nutritional deficiencies
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