
Macadamianut Oil

Macadamianut Oil is obtained from the fruit of the macadamia tree (Macadamia sp). The macadamia tree belongs to the Proteaceae family. Its fruit has a fatty oil content ranging between 70 and 75 percent. Originally native to Australia, the macadamia tree is now also grown in South Africa, South America and Hawaii.

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    Very well tolerated by the skin
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    Contains natural vitamin E
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    Unsaturated oleic acid

This product has the following features:

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    Contains up to 20 percent monounsaturated fatty acid palmitoleic acid (C16:1), which makes the oil particularly well tolerated by the skin
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    Contains up to two thirds of monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (omega-9, C18:1)
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    Contains natural vitamin E


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    Exquisite gourmet oil with a mild nutty aroma
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    Used to dress up salads, for stewing and pan-frying


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    The fatty acid composition of Macadamianut Oil is very similar to human sebum.
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    Palmitoleic acid (C16:1), which is found in the skin, improves absorption and spreads well.
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    Well suited for use on dry, rough and sensitive skin; has a smoothing and regenerating effect on the skin
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    The oleic acid (omega-9, C18:1) allows cosmetic agents to penetrate deep into the skin and has a fluidising effect.
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    Macadamianut Oil contains little linoleic acid (omega-6, C18:2) and is enhanced when combined with oils rich in linoleic acid, for example Evening Primrose Oil and Hemp Oil.
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    This valuable oil is used in a broad range of cosmetic products, such as in moisturising and anti-wrinkle creams, body oils, regenerating cosmetics, massage oil, shampoos and conditioners.
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    Used as an alternative for mink oil, which is criticised for animal welfare reasons

Animal nutrition & care

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    Excellent cosmetic properties predestine this oil for use in coat and skin care products.
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    Used as an ingredient in animal nutrition
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