We are a member of the Sustainable Castor Association
Henry Lamotte Oils is now one of the 28 members of the organisation, which brings together stakeholders in the castor oil industry: farmers, oil mills, processors and other players in the castor oil supply chain share the mission of promoting sustainable practices in castor oil cultivation.
The aim of the Sustainable Castor Association is to improve the livelihoods of farmers and contract workers. By promoting sustainable practices in cultivation and harvesting, we help them to optimise yields and increase their income in the long term.
The recognised certification standard SuCCESS code (Sustainable Castor Caring for Environmental Social Standards) sets out the core environmental and social aspects for sustainable certified castor oil products. The criteria include good agricultural practices, soil and water management, labour rights and protection and environmental management. The standard is intended to optimise the impact of castor bean cultivation on the environment and communities in the producing regions.
We look forward to offering you certified castor oil qualities and to taking the next steps together towards a more sustainable castor oil supply chain. Please contact us if you have any questions!
Please find further information on the Sustainable Castor Association here.